Child Psychologist

The golden value of psychological counseling for children

The child is like the nucleus standing in the center of the world. Just as the core of the earth affects all the stones, soil, sea and even the formation of the air, the child has the effect of the flapping of a butterfly’s wings that will affect the whole society, even though it may seem small with the status of being an adolescent, adult and parent in this world. For this reason, it is very important for a child to have a healthy psycho-social development.
çocuk psikologu terapisti

At what stage of childhood should you seek psychological support?

Children go through various stages of childhood until adolescence.

Infancy Period

The first stage is the infancy stage. It is very important to follow the development of the child in accordance with the development of the month in the infancy stage. Especially in the infancy stage, which covers the 0-2 age period, a child can make eye contact, use body language and facial expressions appropriately, show language development appropriate for the month, fine motor development such as finger movements suitable for the month, holding action and crawling, walking action, balance appropriate for the month. Gross motor development, such as providing In this process, if parents are worried about their babies in these 4 areas, such as being behind or thinking that they are advanced, this situation should be observed by a specialist psychologist and developmental assessment tests should be performed if appropriate. Thus, with the observation reports and test results written by the expert, the child’s development process can be followed with more concrete measurements.

Early Childhood Period

In the early childhood stage, which begins with the age of 2, the first social experiences in the child’s life come to the fore. In the early childhood stage, which lasts until the age of 6, the child leaves the pacifier, breast milk and diaper and starts daycare. Children experience experiences such as establishing their first sustainable friendship relations, adapting to social environments, and sometimes becoming older brothers and sisters with the arrival of a sibling to the family. While these experiences show that children grow up psycho-socially, sometimes these growth transitions are not easy for children and parents. Especially if there are wrong interventions against the difficulties experienced in these transitions, then social and behavioral problems arise in children. Among these problems, attachment problems, anxiety problems, incontinence problems, crisis problems such as crying and stubbornness, excessive activity, sleep problems, phobias and fears developing on different subjects (fear of sleeping alone at night, fear of being alone in the room, etc.) , sibling jealousy and eating problems are seen. A child’s psycho-social development consists of interconnected periods, just like his physical development. Just as a child cannot gain weight if he/she is malnourished, if he/she does not gain weight, he/she cannot grow tall enough, if he/she does not grow in height, if he/she does not develop in accordance with his/her age, it is like a chain connected to each other in psycho-social development. For example, if there is a wrong intervention against a problem experienced during the period of giving up the diaper, the child may develop a pooping problem. Pooping can lead to constipation, causing the child to develop a phobia of sitting on the toilet. Since this phobic situation will make the child uneasy by making him extremely anxious, it may turn him into an incompatible child who cries constantly during the day, and as a result of all this, the relationship between the parent and the child may be damaged. That’s why any situation that seems like a minor problem in children’s lives should not be ignored. Because when no intervention is made with the right solution to every problem that seems small in childhood, this situation takes its place in the center of family life as a chain of problems.

Son Çocukluk Evresi

6 yaştan sonra çocuğun ilkokula başlamasıyla beraber son çocukluk dönemi de başlar ve çocuk bu dönemde daha farklı hayat tecrübeleri deneyimler. Özellikle 6-7 yaş dönemi çocuğun dikkat ve öğrenme alanında herhangi bir problemin olup olmadığına dair en sağlıklı bilgiyi veren yaş dönemidir. Örneğin, şimdiye kadar çocuğun küçük olmasından dolayı dikkatinin az ve hareketli olduğu düşünülüyorsa bu sürecin ilkokul çağına geldiğinde daha dengelenmesi ve çocuğun otorite karşısında daha uyumlanma göstermesi beklenmektedir. Ama çocuk ilkokul dönemine gelmesine rağmen derslere adapte olamıyor, çabuk sıkılıyor, yavaş öğreniyor, sürekli yanlış yapıyor ya da dikkat etmediğinden ötürü unutuyor ise o zaman bu dönemde dikkat eksikliği ve hiperaktivite bozukluğu ile öğrenme güçlüğü problemlerinin taranması gerekir. Bu problemlerden başka çocuklarda yaygın kaygı problemleri, arkadaşlık problemleri, tırnak yeme, kaygıya bağlı olarak gelişen saç-kaş –kıl koparma gibi problemler, aile hayatında boşanma, ölüm, kayıp, taşınma gibi radikal değişikliklere bağlı gelişen çocukluk depresyonu ve adaptasyon problemleri de en sık görülen problemler arasında yerini almaktadır.

When should we decide to seek psychological counseling for children?

If I were to answer this question based on my experience as an expert, I can say that especially parents are often late in getting support with their children. We can call this tardiness a kind of timing error. Because the younger the children are, the smaller the problems in their lives will be believed by the parents, and it is hoped that these problems will pass as they get older. However, sometimes the picture may not be so optimistic. For this reason, it is very important to start getting support immediately before a small problem turns into a big chain of problems.

Why should you get support from Mutlu Yaşam Psychology for our children?

It is clear within scientific methods which observation method and type of therapy will be used against the problems that develop in children’s lives. In other words, many psychologists can tell you which type of play therapy should be applied or which test should be done in the face of the child’s problem.
